Each year in September an incredible aviation event takes place, the Reno National Championship Air Races. For one week, races are launched one after another over Reno Stead Airfield in Nevada and spectacular shows are presented between two runs.

The aeroplane shown on the picture is the Grumman F7F TigerCat nicknamed "Big Bossman", it is flown by Mike Brown.
Attracted by the million dollar prize, pilots take huge risks. During my three days stay during 2007 edition, two pilots lost their lives during races. Although occurring in conditions that are really far from the daily pilots reality, these accidents remind us that an aircraft is very fragile and that an error performed close to ground at high speed is most likely fatal, even with a lot of experience.
But the show must go on! The Races are extraordinary, so far from what can be seen in France...
Nice post! We like!
I can see now why you'd want to be a pilot. Looks like fun! Have you seen the new Cathay video:
Almost inspired me to move up to an ATPL!
I have been visitng ur blog regularly and find it very interesting. Hope to see more soon.
Annie Bankss
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Hey there - have you ever been to Oshkosh? Pretty amazing! Great blog, glad I found it!
I have been visitng ur blog regularly and find it very interesting.
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